Carbon potential probe for heat treatments

Carbon potential probe

Accucarb ZCC probe with zirconium oxide

The ZCC probe is a high-accuracy oxygen probe, with zirconium oxide, designed for the heat treatment industry.

Introduced directly into the oven, at the same working temperature, it performs the measurement continuously, quickly and accurately. It generates a voltage as a function of the oxygen concentration and the working temperature; by measuring this voltage it is possible to trace the carbon potential by means of a mathematical formula.

Equipped with a type K or S thermocouple and available in different lengths, it offers a fast and precise signal response.

The high construction technology and the materials used make this probe truly performing.

    Technical specifications



    0.10% … 1.40% carbon
    Output signal
    1.0… 1.2 Vdc
    Operating temperature
    760°C… 1010°C
    0.02 mV or 0,0025% of carbon
    Built-in thermocouple
    S or K type
    Response time
    lower than 1 sec

    Stability± 1 mV
    ± 0,03% of carbon
    Insertion length
    Standard 508 mm or 660 mm (other lengths on request)
    Duration2 years under normal working conditions
